Great Hairline, Thin Top and Crown, Low on Donor Hair (with Photos)
This patient had 4608 grafts. As you can see from his photos below, the frontal area is great, but the top and crown are lightly covered. He lost much of the original hair in the top and crown from the balding process and as the transplant process was going on over a 10 year period in three sessions.
I am posting these photos to show that frontal hair can go a long way to making a balding man look fuller. We will still do one more surgery on him to fill in areas that need more density and then offer him Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) to finish the creation of the fullness he wants.
Click the photos to enlarge:

doctor rassman did this individual take finasteride by any chance?
How common is this? A strong hairline but thinning beyond it? As you say a strong hairline really does mask it – from many angles you wouldn’t really class this man as ‘balding’.
Dr. Rassman,
I have the exact hair loss pattern with the above patient (but I’m 24 yrs old).
Would it be too late to use Minoxidil or Finasteride?
is it possible for the miniaturized/peach fuzz hair to grow and cover the balding area?
I think the “after” photos are missing.
This patient lost more hair over time, yet still kept enough hair to hold a good frontal hairline where much of the original work was done. I believe that he has an excellent opportunity to have scalp micropigmentation to thicken the areas on the top and crown because he has enough hair to do this. We are doing more and more men like this (and some women with thinning) as a non-surgical procedure with results in the very same day that the process is done. See our website: for more photos
Doctor Rassman did this patient take finasteride all these years as well? did the natural balding process continue while on fin, or did he not take propecia?
Interesting case. Do you happen to have any dry hair photos of this patient? I assume he doesn’t wear it wet. Would love to see the pictures when you guys eventually do SMP on this patient.
im so curoius as to know wether he was on propecia. maybe he wouldnt of lost the existing hairs
I feel compelled to put the math to this patient’s head hair. The area that is balding front to back of the crown, probably had 50,000 hairs in that area before he lost it. He received 4608 grafts or roughly 9,000 hairs to cover an area which initially had 50,000 hairs. He got excellent results in the frontal area where we put higher densities of hair, but this was done at the expense of the top and crown where he got substantially less hair causing the thin appearance. An overall average of 18% return of hair was placed in the patient, but of the 18%, more than half was placed into the frontal triangle (about 3 inches back from the leading edge). That would calculate than only about 9% of the original hair density was placed in the top and crown area. Hopefully, you will understand what is needed to fill in the rest of his head is just more hair. We have done this on many patients who have received transplants of 9,000 grafts (18,000 hairs) with, of course, better results. The important issue is that the patient was very happy with the results and he may be a candidate either for another hair transplant or scalp micropigmentation to increase the appearance of fullness.