Results After 3365 Grafts Transplanted About 15 Years Ago (with Photos)
This patient came back to see me some years after he had his last transplant with NHI. He had 3365 grafts transplanted over two procedures in 1995 and 1998 (grafts placed throughout the frontal hairline and top of the scalp).
This patient visited the office recently to ask about some thickening in the area behind the transplants where he believed he is thinning. He has been on Propecia since the transplants were done, and although most of the hair has been held, the genetics has been persistent at taking some of his hair away.
Click the photos to enlarge.
2012 (after):

1998 (before *):

* Note that the “before” photos above were actually from just before his 2nd procedure in 1998. The photos from before his 1st surgery in 1995 are not available (they weren’t digital), and although the quality of these 1998 photos isn’t the best, I really just wanted to show how the transplant looks after a lot of time has passed.
While it seems most of the hair has remained intact after 15 years, the after photos do not look as good as the before photos, which is expected to happen.
Yes, I am sure he can get certain areas filled in to achieve the full look again.
What Norwood Class would you categorize this man as, Dr. Rassman?
Very nice refresh!
I disagree Jon, I think the after photos look better than the before ones, even after 15 years…What do you other readers think?
I actually think the thicker, wavier look of the recent refresh is far younger looking than the one 15 years ago. I don’t know what the guys face looks like but just from the hair I’d class the new one as the younger looking man.
I also guess dr rassmans techniques and transplants in general have advanced somewhat in 15 years. I suspect transplants done in 2012 will generally be superior even to the late 90s done by the same surgeon. Most cosmetic techniques improve each decade.
This is awesome. I too think, that the ’12 photos look way better than the those from ’98. I think the guy has dyed his hair, with a natural looking color.
Just shows what a nice job Dr. Rassman does! I think this guy looks great after 15 years.
It just shows that us guys with androgenic alopecia do have hope, if we are willing to invest the money and work with a solid Master Plan with a great doctor like Dr. Rassman.