Hello doctor. Thanks for your time. I have medium length wavy hair. I have notice recently a lot of hairs coming out in the shower and sometimes on my pillow. My fringe feels thinner and i feel a little bit thinner on top, but my hairline does not appear to be very receding. I’ve also had an itchy scalp of late. My brother suffered hair loss aged only 21 and my uncle also lost most of his hair before he reached 30. This would make me believe it is hereditary hairloss but my hair doesn’t appear to follow the pattern that i’ve read about. Could there be another reason? Thanks.
You need to be examined by a good doctor and the diagnosis of genetic hair loss needs to be made with objective criteria. A close microscopic examination of the scalp (all over) will show indications of patterned hair loss common in the genetic cause of hair loss in men. Please, before you jump in and start taking drugs, let’s make a diagnosis and map out the full impact of the genetic balding now. Then, knowing what you have in store for you, Propecia would be a good drug to combat your hair loss (assuming you are a young man) and a repeat microscopic examination of the hair in different areas of your scalp will show the areas that are most improved with Propecia.