Dr. Rassman,
I am 23, and have had diffuse thinning for the past three years. I am currently taking propecia and minox and have been for 15 months. During that period, I have not noticed any significant regrowth, but the appearence of my hair has seemed to maintain to some degree. I am also a law student and in December I had my first set of finals. During that time, I can honestly say that I was more stressed then I have ever been in my life. Since december, I have noticed that my hair has appeared to thin significantly.It used to be thin only in the back, now I can see a thinning pattern in the front. Additionally, in the month since finals ended my libido and sex drive have significantly increased. I do not know whether that increase is due to my lack of stress, however I am speculating that the propecia has stopped working for me. I was wonding if these are typical effects if it does stop working; i.e increased thinning and greater sex drive or perhaps I can attribute both the my level of stress and current lack there of. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If propecia has stopped working for me, then I really don’t know what else I could do
Stress impacts everything in our lives. Your hair loss and thinning is certainly (assuming you have genetic hair loss) being made worse by stress. Propecia sounds like it has slowed or stopped the present hair loss, but as male genetic hair loss is a progressive process, it is only a matter of time until you notice more thinning/recession. The sex drive issue relates to many things. Men can find sex to be a good outlet for frustration and hiding from problems. Propecia can initially cause an increased sex drive due to the increase in testosterone levels, but the sex drive of a man your age should already be high, so perhaps your body is just learning to deal with the stress better. Could it be that your normal sex drive is what you are now experiencing?
With regard to your thinning and possible genetic hair loss, you should get your hair mapped out for miniaturization to determine if the hair loss is genetic and to what degree it is progressing. You need a Master Plan for your future hair loss. As you are in Los Angeles, I would be pleased to see you myself at no charge in my LA office. If you are interested, please call my office at 800-NEW-HAIR to set up a free consultation with me.