I was researching your ste and I was wondering about pricing. I have male-pattern baldness and have reached a 3V or 4 on the Norwood Scale. Roughly, how much would the procedure be?? Thanks.
If I had photos it would help a great deal. The differences in 3V and 4 classification vary so widely in different people that it is difficult to estimate without at the least a photo. Our records are confidential so that sending good photos will be instrumental to estimation. I generally like to speak with the person by phone (telephone consultation) when I receive the photos to fill in the needed information and then I can quote you. Things like your age, use of Propecia and its effectiveness, color and contrast of hair color, weight of the hair and its characteristics, scalp laxity, family history of balding and who you might take after, are all things that will tell me what I need to know to put real value on numbers and costs. Your goals are also critical as well.