Trying to Keep Looking Full
I am working harder and harder to keep my hair looking fuller and it is progressively getting more difficult. Been on Propecia since it first came out and in the past year or so, I spend more and more time in the morning trying to maintain my look. God forbid, the styling gel does not hold it! Should I switch to Avodart? If it is safe enough for prostate disease, why Avodart be safe for me, age 31?
Avodart is safe and approved for prostate problems which only occur in men over 50, most often over 60. If there were a Vioxx type of problem to come about after taking this medication for 20 years in a 70 year old man, I doubt that we would ever see it. In someone your age, I can’t say that. There are trials underway for treating hair loss, however.
Thank you for coming into the office after sending your email. Examining you (see pictures below) showed the following:
- You still have your childhood hairline.
- You do not look bald or thin from any angle.
- When we separate your hair, is is clear that you work hard to keep this full look.
- There is 50% miniaturization.
- With styling in a dark hair, light skin person, 50% is almost as good as 100% density with any reasonable styling. Your hair is medium-fine thickness and has a slight wave to it. Many men would be happy to be where you are now and with 50% miniaturization I would not consider you a transplant candidate. Drugs (DHT blockers) like finasteride (Propecia) or dutasteride (Avodart) are the best way to maintain where you are.
The photo on the left is this man’s hairline from the front. The photo on the right shows the miniaturization in his parted hair. Click the photos to enlarge.

How can you tell in the photo on the right if there is miniaturization? I thought this was something that could only be determined at the microscopic level. From what I have seen of hair, the picture on the right looks perfectly healthy to me.