Scalp Exercises to Regrow Hair?
I came across this web site:
I’m curious as to your opinion on the possibility that these “scalp exercises” might possibly regrow hair in some individuals after 8 or so months of doing the exercises as a result of increased blood flow to the scalp. It seems like a bunch of unscientific, hocus pocus to me, but if you read the other info on his site, it appears to be very accurate and makes the author
sound very credible.Thanks.
I visited the above referenced link. It is based on the authors’ personal assumptions on the mechanism of hair loss. He tries to come up with a novel method for treating baldness based on his observation of his bald family members. Although it is interesting to follow his thought process, it is not scientific. Today’s medicine has changed drastically in comparison to 200 years ago. Back then, doctors had their own individual methods of treating different diseases, which at times where completely different and even conflicting with the others.
We use evidence-based medicine to support most of our treatment plans. Although lack of blood and oxygen of the scalp was once thought to be the main cause of baldness, today we know that the scalp oxygen level and blood supply is the same in balding and non-balding people. Massage therapy to increase the blood circulation can not stop the balding process.
I was interested to read your reply above, particularly when you mentioned that scalp oxygen and blood supply is the same in balding AND non-balding people. I have had my scalp examined under microscope and have little, if
any, evidence of blood supply to the hair follicle. So was told that this is probably the main reason as to why my hair is thinning at quite a rapid pace? I am currently looking into how I can increase the blood circulation (apart from the obvious ie massage, standing on my head etc)
Do the scalp flexing exercises 4-5 times a day..4-5 minutes at a time and it will increase blood flow to the whole head which in turn promotes hair growth.. This exercise may take 5-8 months to show results..
No, you really can’t increase the blood supply to a normal scalp.
William Rassman, M.D.
No, scalp flexing exercises will not change the blood flow to the scalp but it might increase the scalp laxity. I generally recommend special scalp exercises to increase laxity when people have a tight scalp.
William Rassman, M.D.