Within 3 Days of Starting Propecia, I Feel Sensations in My Testicles
Hello, and thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I am just beginning to show a receding hairline, and decided to act fast to try to stop my hair loss. As a result, I began taking Propecia three days ago. Within a very short time after taking the drug, I noticed a stirring sensation in my testicles. This progressed until it was a 2 on the 10 pain scale. The next day I woke up to quite a bit of tenderness in my left pectoral area. Frankly, I was stunned that I could experience these effects so quickly. I’ve stopped taking Propecia after only 3 days out of concern, but I wonder if there isn’t a typical adjustment period in which one’s body grows used to the drug and the side effects diminish. Was I right to stop as soon as these strange side effects manifested themselves, or is it worth pushing onward?
Your symptoms may be a side effect associated very rarely with Propecia (finasteride 1mg), but it is surprising to see these effects manifest only after 3 days. You should address these issues with the doctor who prescribed you the medication. There may be other factors and issues not related to Propecia that your doctor may want to explore. You can stop taking Propecia and see if the pain goes away, but check with your physician first.
post finasteride prostatitis symptoms
it is due to
a)the change of area used for converting t to dht (now it goes to estrogen instead)
b) flares up bacteria due to altered immunity and messing up with the prostate in general
quit before its too late