Hello Doctor – and many thanks for keeping this very informative website. My question is a point of clarification with respect a question that answered earlier (the original question was care of “a very stressed out medical student).
I had been taking propecia for several years and stopped approximately one year ago. My hair loss began fairly soon thereafter and has been fast and steady ever since, despite the fact that I started taking propecia again in November. Can you explain why this is the case?
Thank You.
You are likely experiencing “catch-up” hair loss, which occurs when one stops taking Propecia after being on it for a period of time. The hair loss noted when the drug is stopped will be the same as if you were never on it at all. By stopping it, you are bringing yourself back to the same degree of hair loss that you would have had anyway. Stay on the medication now that you have restarted it. It is possible that the hair loss you are currently seeing (despite being on the medication) is a result of the “catch-up” loss phenomena.
Your experience is one that our readers on Propecia/finasteride should take note of. This is a medication that you need to take for life, unless you come to a time when you are willing to lose your hair.