Where’s the Scar? Hair Transplant of 1807 Grafts (with Photos)
I saw this patient last week for a follow-up and he had a wonderful result from a single session of 1807 grafts in the frontal area. When I looked for the scar to see how well it had healed, I could not find it. The scar was closed with an upper and lower trichophytic closure and the results of doing this make strip surgery more than competitive to follicular unit extraction (FUE). This type of closure allows hair around the wound to grow through the scar, making it extremely difficult to see once it heals. To learn more about this, see Techniques to Minimize Donor Area Scarring. I have been routinely getting this type of healing from trichophytic closures.
The after photos were taken about 22 months post-op. Click the photos below to enlarge.
Before on the left; After 1807 grafts on the right:

Donor area – After. Can you find the scar?

That’s nice work. I bet he’s happy.