Hello Doctor,
I’m 13 years old and I am loosing so much hair. It’s about 500+ hairs per day. I don’t really know what to do, my mom is taking me to a blood check tomorrow. I used heat stylers almost every day but now I’ve stop that. I can’t even run my fingers through it because It falls out. I’m not kidding and I’m getting so stress because of that. Is it possible to lose all my hair ? What can I do ? Please help !!
Anything is possible, but highly improbably that you will lose all your hair (unless you have alopecia universalis or totalis, which is rare). Sometimes hairs go into a cycle of excessive shedding and falling out. This is called telogen effluvium. The good news is if this is the diagnosis, it will reverse and your hairs will likely grow back. But you would need to be evaluated by a doctor to get a diagnosis. Perhaps you’ve just damaged your hair from the heat styling, but it would have to be some excessive damage to see 500 hairs falling out per day.
I would measure the hair bulk you have in different parts of your head and then wait out a 4 month period before remeasuring the hair bulk. That will tell us if you are really losing hair, as this test is highly accurate when comparing two sets of results over time.