It is important for me to not only see some men who have had a full head of hair created by hair transplants, but to talk to them so that I can understand their decision process and what the experience was like. Looking at pictures is a sterile, non-personal process.
The appearance of a thick head of hair is achievable with hair transplants. To manage people who have your needs, we have a series of men who regularly attend our monthly Open House events who have achieved this goal and can be met at my office. We have been doing this for 27 years. Spontaneous visits by many of my other patients repay their experience in such meeting by dropping into our monthly Open House events, unannounced. We have an office in West Los Angeles and Irvine, California. We hold these events once a month in Los Angeles, and once every other month in Irvine. In addition to meeting patients, you can see a surgery in process, speak with patients who are in the process of having it done, see a Scalp Micropigmentation procedure being done.