just got a hair transplant in the UK. Met the doctors on the day due to distance to clinic. i was informed my crown couldn’t be transplanted to which was difference to our email correspondence. After a short chat the dr., he drew what would be my new hair line in pen on my forehead. I asked for it to be lower in the temples to give the youthful look and they assured me they would transplant hairs to the very bottom of the drawn line which would achieve this. I took their advice after being assured it would be to the bottom of the line and went ahead with the procedure, it was straight forward and they were very professional – lasted around 4 1/2 hours. After the procedure i wasn’t shown the results by the team but had to check myself in the bathroom on the way out. My head was rather bloody and slightly swollen so it was hard to judge at this point. it has now been 4 days and things have settled but I am worried that the hairline doesn’t come down far enough at the temples and that it is noticeably squint from the front.
I also took short video during the procedure and have since noted that the hairline drawn for me before the procedure is not the same as the one used during the procedure which is slightly above the former. I have contacted the clinic on two separate occasions to ask for photos taken which they responded to but have ignored both my questions about the number of hairs/grafts actually used on the day. They have informed me it was roughly 2800 hairs, can anyone guess if this looks right from the photo provided. not sure how to add more than one for the changing hairline drawn.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
This doesn’t sound like a good experience. we make it a point to make the experience fantastic confirmed by all of our patients comment on Yelp and Realself. We treat every patient like royalty and complete dedication to the patient’s needs. Communication is key, of course. Your complaints are reflective of poor communications on the physician side, but the transplant looks ok. 2800 hairs, maybe, but most doctors don’t count hairs but grafts. I would imagine that you had 1400 grafts. The hairline looks ok also. After it has grown out, if you don’t like the hairline you are given or anything is wrong, it can be improved to meet your needs. Good luck.