I saw a redditor claim that transplants are very complicated and prone to poor results whenever your native hairline is already dense. In other words, someone like myself could not achieve a natural looking result, even with my long hairstyle, because my current hair is already quite dense and no transplant could hope to replicate that density. Please tell me this isn’t isn’t true – I am looking into temple transplants in the near future to even out my mature hairline (which rest assured looks quite high from the front).
Thank you for your time, doctor.
Hair transplant density can be whatever you want it to be. To get back to the original density (something I rarely ever do), it takes more than one surgery because follicular units are generally 1mm apart for a typical Caucasian male. I like to use this post to show what I consider a dense hairline; however, this hairline has about 50% of its original density which is usually adequate for most men. See here: https://baldingblog.com/repair-of-hairline-transplants-photos/