Ive been on oral fin for 11 month and I got severe sexual side effects. Can I switch to the oral and avoid them?
The non-liposomal topical finasteride will go though the skin into your system. Don’t think that because it is topical, it stays there
Ive been on oral fin for 11 month and I got severe sexual side effects. Can I switch to the oral and avoid them?
The non-liposomal topical finasteride will go though the skin into your system. Don’t think that because it is topical, it stays there
A 0.25mg needle doesn’t reach the stem cells which are about 1mm below the skin surface. You must get to the stem cells if you want results. Use a needle length between 1 and 1.5mm.
This man had a lot of hair removed from the back of his head and his neck that is not permanent hair. So much came out, he has little hair left in the back of his head and may of the transplanted hair will eventually fall out. He is also left with no reserves to cover future loss. This was done by someone who didn’t understand how to properly calculate the limits of FUE. The pictures speaks for itself
I haven’t found answers to some questions which I would try to describe as clear as possible. Androgenetic Alopecia causes miniaturization of hair follicle. I’ve read that miniaturized hair follicle has shorter anagen phase and spends rest of the time in telogen phase.
androgenetic alopecia can cause miniaturization or hair loss without miniaturization. In the later for, it goes into telogen and never comes back
I will increase testosterone by the supplements I take. What will happen to my hair?
Increasing testosterones will increase hair loss if you have the genes for hair loss
I’m taking oral melatonin everyday and experiencing hair thinning not sure if it’s because of the oral melatonin of everyday use, would you happen to know if this could be the reason behind it since it’s a hormone pill type of thing?
There is no clear answer to the relationship between melatonin and hair loss or hair growth. I found references both ways. But you might try stopping it and see what happens.
Ive been using topical minoxidil for 3-4 months and theres no results . but ive noticed facial bloating , slight wrinkles on forehead, and bad eyebags. Considering im only 19 this is a big thing for me and im thinking of quitting minoxidil since my doctor just prescribed me Dutasteride and ive been on it for 6 days. she also offered oral minoxidil too. But i rejected the oral minoxidil because of the side effects . Do you guys think Dutasteride itself will be okay for a diffuse thinner like me? As ive made up my mind that i dont even want to risk the minoxidil side effects and even the hassle of applying it twice a day and making my hair look like complete poo poo. Let me know your advise or experiences from minoxidil!
life is full of choices and each choice has an up and down side. You have to navigate these variables and weight it against the value you get from one vs the other
I’ve never heard about AGA without miniaturization and with permanent telogen. How it’s even possible, what’s the underlying mechanism?
Some researchers believe that starting off the anagen cycle may be part of the AGA problem. Some men who go into telogen and catagen just don’t then pick up their anagen cycle. This will produce hair loss without miniaturization and we call this Apoptosis (death of the follicle). Maybe it is still alive in the stem cells that are sitting there, but if the hair doesn’t grow, how are we to know?
So I recently discovered I have extremely low testosterone and I’ve probably had it for a while. I’m considering TRT but I was thinking about starting TRT and Finistride together? Any side effects it could cause? Any side effects you’ve experienced if you’ve taken both together?
Going on Testosterone therapy will cause hair loss in any man with the genes for balding, even if they are taking finasteride.