It seems like hair clinics in the US are losing a lot of business from people traveling to countries such as Turkey, etc. Is there a good reason why they cost so much here? I’m saving for a transplant and I could technically afford one right now in one of those countries, but the task of traveling to/navigating in a country I’ve never been to get a medical procedure seems so daunting to me. I would understand if they costed like 50% more here or something, but it’s like 2-4x the price. I don’t understand it
Many of the cheap transplants in Turkey are performed by clinics owned and operated by technicians that came out of legitimate hair transplant clinics. I have been told that 95% of the clinics in Turkey have the surgery performed not by a doctor, but by a technician who was trained only in the manual/technical aspects of the treatment. They may or may not know much about anesthesia, Your risk of death is not insignificant compared to having it performed by a licensed doctor (Turkey or the US). Read here and view this video: