My Hair Texture Changes Daily
Hi Dr. Rassman,
I have a question regarding my hair loss situation. My hair texture and quality seems to change frequently. One day my hair is thick and curly, and another day it is flat and thin. Could this be due to a hormonal imbalance? Also even though I am 28 years old I am unable to grow a beard, and do not have any chest hair. However, my hair seems to be receding at times. As I mentioned before could this be due to a hormone imbalance? I thought DHT was responsible for promoting facial and body hair growth? So if DHT is responsible for my hair loss why can’t a grow a beard and chest hair? Thanks for your help.
I doubt that you hair character changes daily, but your hair can reflect things like humidity in the air that make make it appear to change its character. I don’t know what kind of climate you live in, so I’m just speculating, of course.
The presence of chest and beard hair is genetic. DHT does play a role in the process, but not on a one-to-one basis. Some men just don’t have much body and/or facial hair. There is no direct correlation between body hair and the hair (or lack thereof) on your scalp. But, if you are receding one day and it reverses another day… you probably need eye glasses.
“But, if you are receding one day and it reverses another day… you probably need eye glasses.” haha that comment made my day!