Prostaglandin D2 and Hair Loss
Do you have any theories or ideas as to how prostogladin d2 (studies recently show bald men to have higher levels in the scalp) fits in with the factors which we know contribute to hair loss like genetics and DHT?
Is this something you discuss with your fellow professionals and do you think that this discovery of PGD2 will lead to less invasive ways to slow or stop hair loss any time soon?
I’m asking as somebody who can’t take propecia due to side effects who wishes there was another way!
Researchers have found that Prostaglandin D2 is present in bald scalp and not in a hairy scalp. The suggestion is that PGD2 is an inhibitor of hair growth in AGA and some researchers believe that the PGD2-GPR44 pathway is a potential target for treatment.
This is still in the research area and there is no drug that I am aware of that will be available clinically at this time. I’m always hopeful for new proven treatments, but whether this is one of them remains to be seen.
I wonder then wehre DHT falls into this category? mayeb DHT is not a culprit?