Teenage Acne and MPB?
Hi Doctors,
Do you believe that there is a link between suffering from acne in early teenage years and male pattern baldness? Being as acne spots are based around the hair follicles and hormones also have something to do with it, I am curious.
Thanks for looking at my question!
Changes in hormones are what is responsible for teenage acne and androgenic alopecia (AGA). In boys under 16, we rarely see patterned genetic balding being expressed, yet we see a great deal of acne in this age group. There is no direct linkage that I know of.
Acne has been a problem most specially with the teenagers. My daughter had been on it. I try to visit https://remarkableskin.org and it really works on her. Now she’s happy
There’s nothing better than to bulge just a mixture of orange peel and ground water. allow for at least half an hour of work and then gently wash with warm water. no matter what you do, do not stress the skin. Peel, do not rub. after washing, dry with a soft cloth, or better yet, your skin dry naturally. Then, set up a tonic. Atea concentrates Basil is an excellent tonic for the skin problem. Apply gently with a cotton swab twice a day, if possible.
Link or not, MPB that occurs in teens or early twenties is a serious matter and require medical attention, its imperative that boys who lose hair early have their metabolism/thyroid checked, and even see an endocrinologist if the reason isnt obvious. You should be 30 before losing hair due to MPB, if you are younger you must seek help to find and treat the cause. Untreated hyperthyroidism will eventually damage your heart and there is also risk for neurological damage, hair loss will be the least of your problems if you dont take it seriously.