Scalp MicroPigmentation (SMP) Review with Long Hair (Before & After Photos)
This patient’s review of SMP is based on a long hair thinning. He actually had a successful hair transplant but wanted a fuller look.
He also had scars from his prior hair transplant surgeries which showed when he had his hair cut short or if his hair was not combed properly.
SMP took care of the scar and thinning.
The sad part of this is that this guy had more than one surgery. Does this illustrate the profound limitations of hair transplant?
What happens when his hair turns grey ?
Without prior hair transplant surgery, he would be completely bald!
The limitation of a hair transplant surgery is that you cannot get back the all hairs your lost. Hair transplant surgery is basically rearranging or moving hairs from one location to another (bald) location.
SMP is applied all over the scalp so if his hair turns grey, it will still look like he has a dark stubble of hair underneath. SMP basically minimizes the contrast between darker hair and lighter skin. The only exception is if all of his hair turns completely white.
Did NHI do the original transplants?
I just think this picture serves as a reality check for what can and cannot be accomplished with a hair transplant. Important to have realistic expectations.
This result, prior to SMP, is just not an aesthetically appealing product.