Have You Heard About AAPE For Hair Transplantation Use?
Does anyone have experience with AAPE from Prostemics? A patient asked if I do this.Dr. Brande Wolfe described AAPE as an abbreviation for “Advanced Adipose-derived stem cells Protein Extracts”, is a mixture of refined growth factor proteins that is extracted from human adipose-derived stem cells conditioned media. With its unique protein formula. AAPE is supposed to maximize the revitalizing effects of skin and hair follicles and consists of human proteins created by stem cells, natural composition with multi-function such as anti-wrinkle, antioxidant, whitening, hair re-growth and even wound healing effect. It is interesting that this AAPE product is approved by the US FDA.”
This is not mainstream clinical hair transplant technology.
This does not seem to be FDA-approved (as this company is from Korea and not under the purview of the FDA). In the US, I can imaagine that this procedure might be outside requiring FDA approval, as it involves surgery but nothing that seems a novel “drug” (I dont know). Nevetheless, even procedures that do not involve novel drugs/devices are prohibited by the FDA from making false claims, as this recent FDA warning letter shows for a similar “Human Adipose Derived Stem Cell Conditioned Memdia” used as facial miositsurizer