Hi Dr. How much biotin should I take a day for hair loss???
Biotin deficiencies can cause hair loss, so many people may include biotin in their vitamin regimen. However in healthy people it is almost impossible to have a deficiency of biotin. A biotin deficiency is therefore extremely rare in the United States. When it does occur, it may be associated with disease conditions of the gastro-intestinal digestive tract. An adequate daily dosage for biotin is 30-100 mcg for the adult male.
I recently went to Walmart and purchased 1500 mcg of Biotin. I take it daily, due to my hair loss. My doctors cant figure out what is wrong & why my hair is falling out, its thinned extremely. Since I have been taking this my nails & cuticles have extremely helped, their long & healthy & my whole life I have never had nails & my cuticles always cracked & hurt. I assuming this is the key element, however I dont want to take to much. What is the recommended dose. I am waiting to see a dermontologist but not for 2 more weeks. By then I may have no hair do you think this much Biotin is ok for me. I am a 31 year old female. Thank you, Nicole
I had gstric bypass two years ago and my b12 was low and I am now on monthy injections but my hairdress suggested biotin 1500 mg. Can this help?
Dru – November 28, 2007 6:45pm
I’m a 51 yr old black american female, diagnoised with scaring aleopcia in 2002. Treated with steroid shots (scalp) to reduce swelling. Rogain was recommended for regrowth of hair. Used it until my face became too hairy. 2007 new doc diagnoised me as being vitamin d deficient. Oral intake of vitamin-d 50,000 ius a week for 8 wks. My scaple still becomes painful. What can I do about that? Now I take a multi-vitamin, calcium+d, vitamin a. Should I also take Biotin and Omega 3-6-9? I’m having less hair loss. But, I can’t tell if I’m regaining density. Also, what shampoo & conditioner should I use. Thanks