What If I Have Very High DHT Levels and Propecia Isn’t Getting Rid of All My DHT?
Hi there,I have been going to the gym for quite some time now and I heard that weight lifting increases hormones, which on return increases DHT, thus resulting in increased hair loss. Some lady I overheard in the chemist said that her son was weight lifting so much and started to lose alot of hair. Is this true? I heard the squat workout (which I do) is a hormone stimulating workout which increases your hormones by alot. Wouldnt this increase DHT levels to an extent that one propecia tablet couldnt get rid of? I am assuming that the propecia tablet can only get rid of a certain amount of DHT…should i take more a day?
Sorry about all this i just became really worried after this info..there are stuff on the net that say its true so im not exactly sure now..
While heavy workouts may have a slight impact on testosterone levels, weight lifting does not cause hair loss. The amount of DHT is usually proportional to testosterone levels. High testosterone will usually produce more DHT. You are asking about taking more Propecia to manage what you believe it more DHT in your body. Frankly, I do not know the answer to your question.
before shampoos were invented men used soap on their hair if anything but there is now enough evidence that hsampoos with sodium lauryl sulfae not laureth do cause alopecia- we need an fda investigation which will never happen-dr. rubin-like the stuff of plasticin baby bottles