Post-Op Graft Care
It seems like every HT Doctor recommends someting differenet for post-op care of the new grafts…..such as…..Biotin Spray…..Saline Spray…..Graftcyte….Vitamin E Oil… nothing….etc.
What do you recommend for post-op care of the grafts?
You are correct. Nearly every hair transplant doctor seems to recommend something different. There are no scientific studies that indicate that one post operative care is better than the other.
It is important to note the most critical part of a hair transplant surgery is during the procedure itself (the peri-operative care). Making sure that the surgical staff kept the grafts moist, wet, and cool at all times so they have the maximum chance at survival. Once the grafts have been transplanted in to the recipient area, it should be fine. All of the post-operative care is not as important as the peri-operative care. Even if you do nothing to at all, the transplanted hair should grow just as well. In my practice, I make sure the recipient sites are kept clean with daily washings with a mild soap. For over 15 years, we’ve consistently had great results! Perhaps it was the ritualistic hair growth dance and chanting I teach to all my patients. Ha!
Can you use anything on your scalp to cover up the
redness after a hair transplant?
If so, what would you use and how?