Repairing a Bald Area After Scalp Burn
When I was young the hair on the right side of my side was burnt off, all you can see now is a abnormally white white scalp with no hair growth. I try to cover it up by making the hair on the top grow longer and cover up the bald spot.
I was wondering if their is a solution to my kind of problem. Thanks you.
These areas can be treated very well today with a variety of surgical procedures which vary based upon the size of the defect you have. I have seen children who have lost 1/4 of their entire scalp receive a balloon expansion with wonderful results, and the same goes for adults. The smaller the defect, the easier it is to repair. You can see a hair transplant surgeon or a good plastic surgeon to find an appropriate referral. This is a very specialized area where most plastic surgeons have not developed the expertise.
my puppy has a burn mark on her neck where hair is struggling to grow. Any suggestions on what I can use on her that would help stimulate hair growth there?