Sensitivity in Donor Area a Week After FUE Procedure
I recently had a FUE procedure-just one week ago. I am experiencing heightened sensitivity and slight pain located above the donor strip where the occipital area is and up to near to the top my head. This is particularly noticeable when I rest my head or touch it slightly. Is this normal after one week of surgery or is it a possible symptom of occipital nerve damage? If this is the case, how can this be diagnosed and treated? Or are these symptoms normal or all much to early to tell and I should wait it out? I understand numbness can take months to heal but it’s the sensitivity and pain that concerns me. Thank you.
There are two major nerves that feed sensation to the back of the head (greater and lesser occipital nerves). There is also a large major nerve above the temples. These nerves branch are like a tree and any punch that is placed in the path of a small nerve could transect (cut) it. It could also bruise the nerve. If you look at the image here, you will see that these small nerves are all over the scalp so it is inevitable that one or more can be damaged. As long as it is not the major nerves, bruising or transection should not be a problem, as the other nerves that cross over the same skin area will substitute for any damaged ones. But there is always some damage and few complaints that last more than a month or two. If a major nerve is cut, then there will be anesthesia (numbness) over the distribution of that nerve. Be patient and wait this out.
I had a FUE operation of 3650 grafts exactly six weeks ago to my frontal hairline NW2. I recently, last 5 days, have about ten bumps like pimples in the DONOR area? what is going on?