If a Natural Hair Loss Cure Existed, Would You Even Tell Us?
If you knew that natural cures to hairloss existed, you wouldn’t be holding back on us just to get a few more bucks, would you?
Also, it’s been one year exactly since I stopped my 58 days on Propecia, and I still have these mental side effects of stumbling over words/lack of fluidity when speaking/lack of wit and smoothness. The only other thing in the world this could be would be the high soy diet I put myself on for hairloss measures a few weeks after I started Propecia, and right before I felt my first side effects. I’ve seen a thyroid doctor (who said everything at Whole Foods was a fraud), a neurologist, and a psychiatrist (the latter just for kicks really), and apparently I’m the foremost expert in soy isoflavones and their effect on the thyroid. Just because someone has a medical degree doesn’t mean they’re knowledgeable in every arena. I still never had any sexual or physical side effects, and my wit is still present when I type or write, so something is only affecting my speech, which lends me to believe it really has to do with the physical properties of the thyroid and perhaps the larynx. Any thoughts?
Would I hold back the cure for balding if I had it? The answer to that is… absolutely NO. I obviously spend all of this time answering questions on this site just so I can squeeze money out of you, telling you there’s no cure when secretly I’ve been hiding it in my wall safe. Did you catch the sarcasm there? If you truly think a natural cure for hair loss is out there, by all means keep rubbing onions on your head and coffee in your eyes… or whatever the “cure of the day” might be.
I can not tie the speech/voice problems you have with the drug Propecia. What you said about soy is interesting and noted. There have been some patient reports that finasteride may have caused some impact on brain function but, I suspect, that would be extremely rare and not proven in the medical literature.
I’ve always believed these conspiracy theories of drug companies holding out on “the cure” were unfounded. There have been many revolutionary breakthroughs and miracle drugs discovered. Just because a cure is found does not mean the company discovering it won’t make a pretty penny. If I found the cure, I would have dollar signs in my eyes for sure.