Keloid Folliculitis
I have been battling hair loss for the past 10 years. I am a 32 year old african american female. I was first diagnosed with Keloid Folliculitis in 1999. I have received continuous treatment from various dermatologists and specialists. The folliculitis issue appeared to have cleared up by 2002 with no reoccurrences. My hair loss began in 2000. I have had a series of blood tests and a scalp biopsy. The biopsy showed my scalp had scarring. The blood work showed that I had high levels of testosterone, low performing follicle hormone, and low iron. (this occurred 3yrs ago.) Since then, I am taking 65mg of iron 2x each day and on birth control. I am also insulin resistant and taking metformin. I have tried various over-the-counter solutions for hair growth, but I am still losing hair.
Bosely will not grant me hair restoration; Duke’s Hair Clinic has temporarily closed. Currently, my primary care physician is injecting cortisone shots to see if this will trigger any hair growth. I am bald on both sides of my hair, and thin on the top and back. Wigs are my only savior at this point. My hair is natural. Please help me with my next step. I am tired of finding hair everywhere but on my head. Thanks!!!
I have never seen a person with keloid folliculitis and have no experience with it. Regardless, your situation is clearly complex and giving you any opinion without at least an examination would not be in your best interest. There are some doctors who specialize in such conditions and do hair transplants. Since you’re near Duke University, I’d be happy to recommend Dr. Jerry Cooley in Charlotte.
Hi,I am not actually suffering of the same hair problem except that my hair started to shed way back in college. And lately I got more concerned because more and more hair strands are falling off from my hand when I try to fix my hair at anytime. So I tried to find ways for me to cover my hair problem, and there I found Pink Lace Wigs, this wig store was recommended to me by a friend of mine so without hesitation I ordered a wig from them. So far, I like the wig, the style, the texture and everything. It looks so natural on me. I can really say that it has helped me regain my confidence in talking to other people face to face. I am not ashamed with my hair anymore. Thank You to Pink lace.
@ashanti we have the very same situation. Regaining the confidence is definitely hard, and i totally felt the same way. Depressed and hopeless. But you know what, the same thing with you and me is that i regained this confidence when i started to use lace wigs.I started with a synthetic wig from a different online store, then i read your comment about pinklacewigs and yes, they are better than the first site i get my wigs from. The texture was not far from my original hair so it looks so natural on me too.And thank you for pinklacewigs and thank you ashanti. The confidence that I never expect i can still have is possible now. I love my hair and i will never me the sad little girl with no hair! I have a wig and It looks good on me..