If I’m Going to Be Norwood 7, When Will I See Significant Loss?
Hello, I have a question about the different patterns of hairloss in men. My father is a full-blown Norwood class 7. I started losing hair very early (20) and got on finasteride right away. But my hairloss is not diffuse like I would expect a NW7 to bald. I only really have temple recession at this point (21 yrs.old). So my question, Does a NW7 generally bald in a diffuse pattern, or can a destined NW7 start off by losing the temple region?
In other words, do I have any hope that I did not get my father’s hair genes?
You are right to be on Propecia. I can not tell you how you might lose it, particularly with Propecia on board. Ask your dad how and when he lost his hair, as that will give you some possible insight. If I mapped out your scalp hair for miniaturization, there may be some insights into the “end game”.
Most Norwood class 7 balding patterns (see diagram at right) will have considerable balding along that path by the mid to late 20s. You might not have your father’s genetic hair loss pattern, though. Cross your fingers.
Is it normal to go from Norwood 2-3 to Norwood 6-7 in less than two years? It happened to me in my early 50s, about 20 years ago. I panicked until my wife told me she prefers bald men and begged me to let nature take its course. So I did nothing to prevent going bald and am not looking for a ‘cure’. As it turns out, I really love being bald and I actually enjoyed watching my hair rapidly thin and recede. In retrospect, I wish I had gone bald in my 20s after I married my wife. Is that normal? Are there other men who love going bald? I had no idea there are women out there who like bald men. Is that normal? Or am I just lucky my wife likes it?