Less Propecia, Less Side Effects?
Dr. Rassman,
Thanks so much for this valuable site.
I am considering Propecia. It is the possible sides, not the $$$, that has me hesitating. I have done the research on Clinical Studies, Dr. Frankel’s article, your posts, etc. The data seems to indicate, and you’ve agreed that .5 mg is roughly 80% as effective for hair growth/retainment as a full 1mg. My question is, are the side effects proportionally decreased? Is there any data out there?
B/c of the efficacy of the .5mg dose, and because the decreased DHT/Serum levels appear to stay in the same range for almost 72 hours, my plan is .5mg Merck Propecia every other day, in order to decrease any chance at both short and long term side effects. Does this sound logical to you?
I really do not see your logic. I mostly see your fear… fear that the drug can give you side effects. Is it worth the risk (for you)? Maybe you should question taking it altogether. There is a phenomenon known as the placebo effect… and it goes both ways. If you are preoccupied that a drug will give you a side effect, then you will likely see that side effect because that is what you believe will happen. If you don’t try it you will never know if you will have a side effect.
I don’t know if there is statistical data available that shows decreased side effects with decreased dosing, but I’ve seen that to be the case if a patient has experienced side effects from the full dose. If you have genetic androgenic alopecia and Propecia is recommended by your physician, then I would start with the recommended dose. If you end up with a side effect then you can just as easily not take it and the side effects would be gone.
I definitely have side effects from the full dose.
However, I found I can tolerate 1/12th of a 5mg pill / day (420mg). Only been on it for a few months so no idea if it’s working…