In the News – Data Analysis Confims that Propecia Works
Snippet from the article:
A review of recent research found that men with the most common form of baldness who took finasteride are more likely to experience an increase in hair count, and say they believe their hair is thicker. But approximately one in 80 also experience erectile dysfunction, according to the analysis published in the Archives of Dermatology.
Read the full article — Drug for baldness works, experts say, but may lead to sexual problems
A doctor and his team combined results from a dozen Propecia studies of nearly 4,000 men and published it in the American Medical Association’s monthly peer-reviewed medical journal.
So while the findings aren’t exactly news, it does confirm what we’ve been saying for years: Propecia works well to treat hair loss and you have a small chance of experiencing erectile dysfunction from it.
I would love to see links to the medical journals that prove finasteride results in a lower IQ. What may have been causing your issue is the fear of the drug itself and your hatred toward the balding process.
Well, you know as well as I do that there are no studies in medical journals that prove Finasteride lowers IQ, and I never said that their was, it was merely something that I observed, along with a general & significant decline of cognitive functions, emotional flatness, lowered libido & greatly reduced penile sensitivity to name a few.
There are numerous studies regarding the inhibition of neurosteroids, they are all over the net, just Google.