Are My Temples Miniaturizing Because of a Mature Hairline or MPB?
Hello Dr. Rassman,
I’m in my early twenties and recently went to the dermatologist who said that I had a little bit of miniaturization by the temples, and that I could be in the early stages of MBP. He also told me that I had pretty thick hair, and not to worry, but he did not say if the hair would keep receding. He then told me that he had some temporal hair loss but it had reached an equilibrium and been that way for the part 10 years. I am wondering if miniaturization of the hair means MBP, or because is it is slight so far could it be part of the hairline naturally maturing, and stop? If the genetics help in your answer (My father has a full head of hair, My mother’s father had a full head of hair, I have two maternal uncles, one of them is bald and started at around 18, and the other one has a full head of hair in his 50’s.) Thank you for taking the time to help.
Take a look at the Maturation of a Hairline posting and see how this conforms to what is happening to you. If you miniaturize behind the area where the mature hairline is developing, then you have genetic balding. This is a very simple process to undergo and then you will have the insights into your own balding pattern if it is present.
Generally speaking, if you’re losing hair in the temples, that is not a maturing hairline. It is also possible that your genetics will cause your temples to recede a little and that will be the only hair loss you have. I’ve seen this in some patients.
I dont understand, the norwood class 1 and 2 charts show somewhat high corners (as opposed to a completely straight hairline), yet they are considered part of the maturing process. Why would you a doctor then say that miniturised hairs at the corners signifies mbp and not a maturing hairline? Having also said that it is normal to see small hairs at the hairlin, even for those who arent balding/ This is so confusing…