Are the Baldness Gene and Hair Characteristics Unrelated?
Dad and his family have been diffuse balding since his early 30s. He has super fine, thin hair. I have the same super fine, thin hair, though luckily no signs of balding yet. A cousin on my dad’s side has pretty severe diffuse balding, the other also has diffuse balding but not as severe.
All of the males in my mother’s family have very thick hair, and none of them are balding even though they’re well into their 60s.
Since I have my dad’s fine hair, does it mean that I’m more likely to have his balding gene? Or is the gene completely separate from the hairs’ characteristics?
Hair characteristics are unrelated to the genetic hair loss process. So just because you have fine hair from your father, doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to have his hairline.
Best news I’ve heard all day. I love you