Bald Spots on the Sides of My Head Hurting My Self Esteem!
I am a 22 year old female that since i was 14 years old i have been having a bald spot on the side of my head, it use to be the size of a quarter and as time has gone by it has grown bigger, i have also started balding from the other side as well. i am very scared of having alocepia. i have not tried any medication like rogaine for women or have not gone to a dermatologist because i am embarrased of this problem because i am soo young to be worrying about balding. this balding issue has affected my self esteem. i just want to receive some sort of answer before facing a dermatologist. i sent some pics of my problem you can use them for your site just please make sure my face is blocked and i remain anonymous. thank you for your time
First off, thank you for give us permission to use your photographs. I like being able to offer visitors to this site a chance to see precisely what they’re reading about.
It appears that you have a condition called triangular alopecia. This is a genetic condition which can be treated with hair transplantation very successfully. There is no need to suffer as you are. I would be happy to see you for a consultation.

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