Big Scalp Scar From Childhood — What Can I Do to Regrow Hair There?
I have kinda big scar on my head i got that when i was kid.Actually i fell from 2nd floor to the ground.when i was 5.then i had an operation ..(NOW IM 23)But since then hair doesn’t grow there anymore,and also i have 20 stitches around there I was just wondering if there is any procedure I could get to fiX this scar cause it bothers me, because i can cut my hair too short..i hope there s way to cover up.WHAT should i do? Thank you..
Without seeing what you are talking about and seeing where the scar is, I will have to discuss this in abstract.
Scalp scars are treatable. Depending where they are and the size of the scar, there are many possible treatments. When the scar appears in the RSTL (relaxed skin tension lines), then simple excision may work if the scalp is loose in the area where the scar is. Hair transplants almost always works nicely for such scars. If the scar is really bad (size of a baseball or larger), a more extensive surgery may be necessary, but even the worst of the scars can still be treated. I recently viewed a burn where fully 1/4 of the scalp was missing and with a few surgeries using balloon expanders, the scars were addressed quite well. I am assuming that yours is an easy case, but best to send me pictures (they will be kept confidential of course) and then set up a telephone consultation with me to discuss. Please reference this post when sending.
Trust me man I know what your going through. I too have a large line that curves on theright side of my head. I am 23 years old too. I got my scar when I was about 13 months old. Wasn’t my fault, my cousin decided to fling me in the air and landed on my head. Is the only way around this through surgery..?