Can I Cause Traction Alopecia From Pulling My Hair Back or Using a Comb Obsessively?
Can frequent, obssesive pulling back of the hair cause traction alopecia at the hairline? I’m a 20 year old male who cannot go past a mirror without pulling my hair up to look at my hairline. If there is a comb available, I use that as well. I do this to the point where the left side of my hairline in particular feels sore. Would you have any pictures to illustrate this sort of traction alopecia?
If you have an obsessive compulsive disorder to constantly pull on your hair, that may cause permanent hair loss to the area (depending on the severity and length of the offending habit)… but just looking at yourself in the mirror and combing your hair back will likely not cause traction alopecia.
It may seem like a chicken/egg conundrum (which came first…), but most men who have frontal recession are likely experiencing male pattern baldness. Particularly men around your age, which is when it wouldn’t be uncommon for genetic hair loss to begin.
If you are indeed worried about your possible hair loss or an obsessive compulsive disorder, you would establish a diagnosis with your doctor.
See a hair specialist and get a diagnosis and you will probably find the obsessive compulsion dies down. If you simply have a maturing hairline you’ll feel reassured and won’t need to check the hairline all the time and if you have some genetic balding then you can either start medication or look towards a transplant to sort the hairline out. Either way knowing will help you deal with the problem of obsessing over it.
As soon as I had a diagnosis from a proper hair surgeon I only really look at my hairline twice a day now, when using minoxidil morning and night before styling my hair. The rest of the time I don’t really worry about it. I’m not dismissing OCD at all but you can definitely help avoid it by getting some expert knowledge applied to the subject of your obsession.