Can I Use Olive Oil as a Conditioner?
Great web site. I’ve looked on from time to time but never saw this question asked. Can a dap of olive oil be used to condition hair before or after blow drying? It wound seem like a inexpensive and natural way to condition ones hair rather than using something like Neutrogener triple moisture. Any thoughts?
Olive oil has been used as a hair conditioner and while I’ve got no personal experience with it, I see no danger in trying it. Here’s a site that has a recipe (though I just found it via Google and make no claims as to how well it works) —
Im reading about hot olive oil cinnamon and honey alot but no one has said how much oil should be heated up and there are many sort of Olive oils in the market which one is to choose any olive oil? One last qustion, can you use the past you make for next time use or do you make fresh?
Many thanks