I am 24 and my father has a receding hairline and there is balding on his side of my family. Will that happen to me?
I see many young men like this man with a what appears to be a full head of hair. He was concerned that he may inherit his father’s pattern and does not want to go bald. He wants to be proactive on the use of drug. When he asked me about the drug finasteride, I originally told him I would not prescribe it unless I was certain he was balding. From what I saw on my first impression, I did not think so, but when I did bulk measurements of his hair, I found that despite the visible full head of thick hair that I saw, he actually lost 45% of his frontal and crown hair. With that knowledge, I prescribed the drug finasteride and he was very grateful.
Many readers routinely send photos for me to diagnose their hair loss condition. I cannot do this with photos alone. I would never have thought this patient was balding by just looking at him. It was the measurements and examination that made the diagnosis.
At the age of 24, his future is uncertain with regard to hair loss, but with thinning in the top and crown of his head at this time, he does run a risk of a more advanced balding pattern over time and this test shows clearly the value of early diagnosis to try to prevent his probably outcome or at the last slow it down. Early diagnosis is best done in the doctor’s office who offer a ‘hair bulk analysis, which can identify hair loss before it becomes visible to the naked eye.