Hello Dr. Rassman… I am now 4 weeks post op and I seem to be on track, thanks to you and your team. My question is about losing or gaining weight in relation to density/fullness of one’s hair on their head. When a person loses a significant amount of weight this weight lost is evident through out the whole body even the person’s head. With significant weight lost would hair on the head appear more dense or full? And vice-a-versa, would significant weight gain cause hair on the head to appear less dense or full? This question may sound rather odd and funny but I got the idea from a ballon with prints on it. When the ballon with prints was semi-blowned-up it appeared all covered up with prints but when it was blown-up to a nice size ballon it appeared less covered and gaps between the prints were very evident. The reason why I’m asking this question is of course I need to lose a significant amount of weight for health reasons and to get your professional opinion to satisfy my master plan of hair restoration.
I believe that your blog is of great service to many people. Keep up the good work and God bless!!!
I am glad your surgery at NHI went well and that you are pleased.
With respect to weight loss and hair density and your analogy to a balloon, it is an interesting question. However, your head is not a balloon and I suspect when you lose weight your head won’t shrink and it would not have any significant impact on the density of your hair.
I hope to see you on your 8th month follow-up a few pounds lighter and thousands of hairs fuller. Thank you for writing.