What do you think of this published clinical study? Foltene study
They concluded that Foltene is an effective and agent for male pattern baldness, alopecia areata and seborrheic alopecia with pretty good results.
The study you referenced was published almost 25 years ago in the Journal of Korean Medical Science and included only 30 men, ten of which had male pattern baldness. That study is simply too small for me to seriously consider that the results show an effective treatment. Besides, if there was really something to this I would expect in the decades since it was published there would be more information and larger studies available. If they exist, I can’t find them. In particular, the study claims regrowth for patients with alopecia areata, and I know the alopecia areata community would’ve been all over this had it been real.
There’s a product sold in Europe by that name, but I’m not sure it has the same ingredients that the study mentioned. We’ve written about that Foltene before here.