I wrote about it here: https://newhair.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/phenotype-article-published.pdf If you read the chart on page 318, the widow’s peak (6%) can start in boys ages from 5-10 and 36% in boys 10-15. That means that loss of the juvenile hairline can start early in life, as early as 5 years of age.
So about 3 Years ago I got a FUE hair transplant I was 24 with a NW7. I had 2000 Grafts done in the front of my head. Planned on getting another 2000 towards the back of my head. I didn’t like how the first one turned out, so i didn’t do that. It didn’t turn out terrible but I have what looks to be called “Cobble stoning” on my head. Some small indents. They told me that FUE leaves for minimal scaring and hard to see. I feel like they weren’t truthful with the results that a NW7 could get with a hair transplant. When I told them that i like to keep my hair pretty short they didn’t even mention SMP. So me Being desperate and depressed I went with the procedure because i trusted them because they have a 5 star rating. I recently got SMP done to help cover up the FUE scars. I went to see the surgeon that did my FUE a week ago and he said the scars will go away. Should I ask to talk to someone and ask for a refund or I will give them a bad rating? Or what would you all do if in my shoes? Thanks for the help.
Unhappiness after a hair transplant is related to (1) bad outcome, (2) inappropriate expectations between doctor and patient, (3) very fine hair which tends to produce a thinner look, (4) poor planning of the surgery with too few grafts to meet the need of the balding area. If your doctor tried to SELL you the surgery and misrepresented, then what follows may not apply. There is no excuse of cobblestonning of the skin or significant scarring without proper informed consent, which only you know if you got.
I have been doing hair transplants for 30 years. I can’t say that I never had an unhappy patient because I can’t always get into the head of my patients no matter how hard I try, and I do try hard because I spend a lot of time with my patients. If I get an unhappy patient (very rare), then I meet with them to find out what I can do to make them happy. I want to achieve 100% happiness, but I can’t always do it. I am very flexible in getting my patient to meet their goals and I always encourage the patient to return to meet with me, not in a confrontation but as a good extension of the doctor/patient relationship. So my recommendation to you is to give the doctor the opportunity to make it right.
How do I tell miniaturized hairs under microscope?
Here is a photo of DUPA and you can easily see the thin miniaturized hairs that seem to dominate the field of view because it is a case of DUPA: https://baldingblog.com/do-i-have-dupa-photo/
Do you think is it safe to take finasteride 3mg a week or every other day in regards to hormonal fluctuations? Because taking it every other day would mean the days you don’t take it , your dht would rise. So essentially the dht levels are constantly going up and down.
The reality is that it is the tissue level that controls the blockage of DHT which is found in the hair follicle at least 6 days after you take the pill so the every other day dose is not a problem (about 80% as effective)
The article concludes: Dutasteride seems to provide a better efficacy compared with finasteride in treating AGA. The two drugs appear to show similar rates of adverse reactions, especially in sexual dysfunction.
Remember 90+% of the clinics in Turkey don’t have a doctor or if they do, the doctor is not doing the surgery or the anesthesia. Make sure that the one you picked doesn’t fall into that situation. If anything should go wrong and there is no competent doctor in surgery, you could die! It happened in California a while back.
Why do you advise young patients on finasteride to not get a hair transplant? Since the hairloss wont progress being on finasteride they should be fine or am I wrong?
If you read this post: https://baldingblog.com/22-year-old-received-a-hair-transplant-of-2800-grafts-from-reddit/ you will understand why I believe that men under 25, with a hair loss pattern that is not evident, should not undergo a hair transplant. I just spoke to a 21 year old man from Europe who went to Turkey and had 4000 FUE grafts. I am certain that he has depleted his donor supply, he lost all of his original hair in the Class 6 pattern and with the 4000 grafts (about 7000 hairs) he covered an area that was probably originally covered by 70,000 hairs. That is easy math for anyone to understand. A good hair transplant surgeon understands the math and the art and can blend the two to produce a great result, but that surgeon must know where the patient’s balding pattern is going before implementing a Master Plan (the Plan I discuss all of the time) to guarantee good results. Getting a hair transplant in Turkey, as this patient today did at 21 years of age, just produced more complications for his future. The doctor was greedy and was after his money and he wanted to believe that this doctor in Turkey (may not even have been a doctor who did the surgery) could fix his problem.
I would like to ask you a question. I’ve been dealing with hairloss for some time now. Been on minoxidil for 8 years. Never took finasteride. Begin 2019, my hairloss accelerated and I decided to try Saw Palmetto capsules and Pygeum. I took this for a year. Nothing special to report, until a couple weeks ago: some ball ache. I decided to quit. That was 4 days ago, give or take. Since yesterday however, I have developed full ED. Can’t get it up for the life of me. It looks noticeably smaller. It feels weird, cold and as if I need to go to the bathroom all the time. Are you familiar with side effects like this? I’m freaking out a bit about all the PFS stories. Full disclosure: I’m also on Wellbutrin for 2 months now.
What can I do. I’ve consulted my GP and decided to quit all pills and wait it out. But kind of losing my mind here. Are these sides permanent?
I have never heard of anyone with such a report. Seeing your doctor and stopping the medications is the best thing I can recommend and then wait it out. If it is induced by the Saw Palmetto, it should go away in a few weeks.
If I use the dermaroller and minoxidil without finasteride and get my hair back, will it stick around after I stop the treatment?
Everything you use to keep your hair (minoxidil and dermarolling) must be continued to keep it. The same is true for finasteride. The hair that is brought back, still has its genetic code for apoptosis so if you stop treating it, it will die off.
My hair has always been extremely thin. My mom and sister have the same hair and we all look almost bald when we shower. Now I’m 21 and I feel like I’m losing hair from my temple and I feel like it looks thinner. But the thing is I never see hair anywhere on my pillow, while styling my hair, in the wash basin etc. Even during shower I only lose like 10-20 hairs.
Do you always see hair falling out when you’re balding? I don’t even see hair when I comb or run my hands through it.
I feel like I’m in denial about my hairloss.
If you have a good hair shaft thickness (not fine but medium weight hair or better) you can lose over 50% of your hair without seeing it come out.
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