I’m balding since i’m 23 and since then i never stopped looking at my hair in the mirror every time or looking at older pictures and my eyes goes to my hairs. Or also when i’m outside looking at peoples hair and comparing to mine or telling that guy has beautiful hair why not me.. Even now i’m 31 and i still do it it’s been more than 8 years that i do that. Fin saved me and got my hairline from 3 years ago (where my hair loss wasn’t so obvious) So i’m less sensitive to that but i’m still looking at other hairs and also mine every day
Your story is typical. Most men who see hair loss recognize for the first time that they are aging and nobody likes that reality. One of my sons noticed that his soccer skills have precipitously fallen down in the past few years and as he was always #1 in scoring, he now plays second class to the younger guys. We all, sooner or later, will recognize that we are getting older, sometimes it’s the hair, sometimes it’s the body’s performance, sometimes it is in the death of a friend way before his time. From the many celebrities (actors and musicians) I have worked with over the years, I found that their hair was critical to their art. Getting their hair back with drugs or a hair transplant gave them peace of mind so that they can focus on the things that are really important once their hair situation is a thing that they don’t have to deal with in the present.
If a patient gets two FUE’s and then later wants to do an FUT, will there be a risk that the two FUE’s will deplete the donor hairs for FUT regions in the future? I am thinking of getting two FUE’s in Turkey and then later when I can afford it get a big FUT in America with maybe Dr. Lindsey in Richmond because I can stay with family near there
Suppose the patient is like a NW2 with a very large / dense donor supply.
In an ideal world, if you are going to do both FUE and FUT in separate surgeries, you are better starting with FUT because the reduction on donor density is less and the FUE will be more successful in harvesting more grafts. The reason for this is that the entire back of the head stretches, reducing the impact on the 3 inch high donor area with the first a large FUT session.
I generally like to put together a Personalized Master Plan for each patient balancing donor supply with the present and potential balding. You may be over-doing the grafting without such a plan. Be careful not to jump on the bandwagon with too many grafts harvested from the donor area and get a balding donor area.
Your hair loss pattern is a thinning Norwood Class 3A pattern with a persistent frontal forelock. This forelock does not look strong so I think with time, it will get worse and the forelock will disappear. A hair transplant should be in your future plans when more hair disappears and you are over 25 years of age.
The surgical team placed all of these grafts so that can be placed into the recipient area and possibly to marvel on the job that they did; however, they shouldn’t have been so proud of these FUE grafts as many of these grafts will never grow. Note that the hairs within the grafts are cut in portions (transected). See the zoomed in section identified (on the right)
Zoomed in area on the left
More and more often I’m getting comments from my family about having a balding area right in the front of my hairline. I’m only 17, and my mom and older brother don’t have any kind of hair loss like I do. I’ve speculated that I have PCOS because of hair growth around my neck and missing periods and I didn’t know if hair loss was linked to that. Do any of you have advice or have battled this issue? It’s very embarrassing especially as a woman to have hair loss and I hope I can reverse these effects somehow before it becomes obvious to everyone around me.
Women with PCOS often get ‘male like presentations’ in their hair loss with hairline changes. The good news is that most PCOS women don’t bald to the extremes of men. See your OB/GYN and find out if you have PCOS. If you do, sit down with a good hair expert to map out what you are going to do about the hair loss.
I’m 19 and went to a doctor about my hair and he refused to give me finasteride. What can I do? I am very depressed about this situation.
Find another doctor! Connect with me at williamrassman33@gmail.com and we can talk and I will prescribe it if indicated. You may not be balding and just maturing your hairline but I can work with you on this over the phone to find out what it is that is bothering you.
I have decided to start microneedling but I do not want to use minoxidil or finasteride. I am very worried about the possible side effects and also, I heard that once I stop taking them, hair fall is going to begin again. Finasteride is a definite no no for me, as I used to suffer from depression and anxiety and I am not willing to experiment with it again. So should I bother to start microneedling without these? Is it worth my time, effort and money?
The report indicate the adding minoxidil to microneedling is better than microneedling alone.
I’m a 30 yo guy who got a transplant a few year ago (but i’m NW6) – so yeah im still pretty bald and it looks crap. I dont fancy getting another transplant and was thinking of getting a hair system. Is it possible to get a hair system considering i have a (very light) covering of hair on top and an actual hairline now? I also have bad FUE shedding on back and sides (doner area) so not sure how this will blend with a system.
Too many men who made poor decision about hair transplant take the Hair System approach to literally burying the problem, but the problem will be there and made worse by the Hair Systems’ various attachment methods (clips, glues, tapes) which all pull out hair and make you balder. I have built a reputation over the years at fixing hair transplant messes and most can be repaired to bring you to a normal place and a normal look. Consider sending me photos at williamrassman33@gmail.com. Everything is confidential.
Here is a photo of a known actor who was messed up and I fixed: https://baldingblog.com/actor-joe-penny-shows-off-his-repaired-hairline-with-photos/
You say it stops ” when you achieve your genetic hair loss pattern”. It is possible for the hair loss to happen in quantum jumps. Where a person reaches lets say 50% of their genetic pattern in one year and then the hair loss all of sudden pauses then starts up again after 5 years? I have had a NW4 for 5 years and my dad is at NW5/6. I haven’t had much balding since…
Genetec hair loss can go in phases, some phases with no hair loss and some phases with accelerated hair loss. Usually, genetic hair loss is slowly progressive. Looking to your family and identifying someone who you might be taking after, will help knowing where your hair loss is going
Essentialy, there were no benefits seen on hair growth that are statistically significant.
It’s been getting worse and worse over the past few months. Under certain light i can already see my scalp there Did the hairs that were there fall or are they just extremely thinner? I want to get on Minoxidil asap but im really afraid that the initial brutal shed people talk so much about, destroys my frontal hair line even more… Now i get why they tell you to get on something asap…
The erosion of a thumb-print section of hair loss from the frontal hairline suggests early frontal balding may be starting. The best approach is to find a doctor who can do a HAIRCHECK ( https://baldingblog.com/haircheck-test-how-it-is-done-video/ ) test on you to see if there is balding anywhere on your head. You need a Master Plan for what may happen to you and a good doctor should work with you to form such a plan if your hair loss is worse at any time than you realize. Yo should recognize the importance of your problem, address it professionally so that you keep your hair on your head as you get older no matter what happens to your potential balding.
I doubt at 35 year old that you are regrow that corner hair. A hair transplant is ideal with your hair color because of the low contrast between your blonde hair and skin color. If this is all the hair loss you have, you might find that you will not develop an advanced balding pattern because there would be evidenced by the age of 35.
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