Hello everyone, my names mike and I’m 20 years old. I’ve been losing my hair since I was probably 15 but it’s never really been that noticeable until maybe about 19. Now that I’m 20 I’ve began to diffuse thin and it’s the worst thing ever. I look in the mirror and see a person that I don’t want to see. I hate the way I look and I hate myself. I’ve been suicidal for about a year now, and I’ve been depressed pretty much my whole life. I feel absolutely worthless. Like my life means nothing. I have a loving mom and two brothers and they are the only reason I’m still on this earth today. Balding is a shitty experience, but going through it at 20? I can almost hear god pointing the finger and laughing at me. I’m not even going to mention my fucked up head shape. I used to be a popular kid but now almost all of my time is spent in my room alone. I can’t cry, eat or even talk to people anymore. I’m writing this to share my struggle with others, not for pity. If your going to tell me that “there’s so much to live for.” Or “think about the ones you’ll hurt.” I’ve heard it all and I don’t want to hear it again. I’m asking for people in similar situations to talk to me and share their experiences and encourage me to keep fighting because I’m at the end of the line here. Thanks for reading.
I have seen similar young men as you. Hair loss is just one component of your depression. With a supporting family, you need to speak with them, let them help you find assistance though the issues. Hair loss is 100% fixable, one way or the other, so address the most pressing issue, your depression first. A good doctor may prescribe you some medications that may help.