The shed can be an acceleration of the balding process which, at times, lead men to blame the drug not their genetic balding.
Here is picture of a woman who has probably lost 80% of all of her hair in a uniform manner. You could see through the hair and see bald scalp; however, this women learned that by using creative styling, she could actually look like she has almost no hair loss. It is wonderful to know that the old cliche applies here ‘where there is a will there is a way’
I’m a diffuse thinner, and while my hair is paper thin, I technically don’t have a completely bald spot on my whole head. Does a thin hair mean there’s a chance it can be revitalized?
No. Thinning is not an easy diagnosis to make and it requires a trichoscope and an expert doctor to understand the cause and if there is an effective treatment for which a hair transplant is often not appropriate.
The International Society for Hair Restoration Surgeons gives out an award for the best hair transplant clinician every year. For its 27 years history, there are 27 winners (I am one of the award winners given the Golden Follicle Award) so look to and find one that suits you in your country of origin. They are voted in by an entire society of over 1000 doctors world-wide.
Since we’ve last spoken, my condition has significantly bettered. My sexual function is comparable to my base line(pre-finasteride). However, I had to play with the frequency and dosing to get to this position. I’m now at a lower dose, however, I am showing symptoms similar to what most believe to be brain fog/diminished cognitive ability. However, I think that this may be a nocebo effect as I’ve since lowered my dosage, this decreases the plasma and serum concentrations of the drug. In regards to such, it would make sense that my onset for the diminished cognitive function would occur when I was at a higher dose, and not at the one I’m at now.
Let me know your new dose and if the Brain Fog goes away in the next few weeks.
I’m 23 and 6 months old at a nw 2.5 right now. I’m not trying to get a full hair transplant back to square one but maybe one to fill in my temples a little more. Would I have to wait till 25?
You need to find a good doctor who can predict your long term balding pattern. I tell people that a little transplant is like being a little pregnant, no such thing. The impact of a hair transplant, regardless of its size, is significant on your long term future (see here: ). I think that as you look at this picture, your plan should be worked with an honest and capable doctor who can tell you more about you than you know, including getting a HAIR CHECK test ( ).
4 dermatologist and 1 urologist. All of them said the same thing; It is safe. They said that side effect risks are very low and most of the people who get sides are in nocebo group. Because of that, my urologist recommended me to stop reading about finasteride in web and forget about side effects before I start the medication. They are not believing in post finasteride syndrom they said it’s a coinsidence and different body, hormon issues lying behind it. So in their opinion if you get sides and quit the drug, everything should be back to normal after 30-90 days. Also they suggest three times a week 0.5mg to me (20 years old, diffuse thinning on top).
I agree with their opinions; however, I would start at half the dose of 0.5mg/day or 1mg every other day (which is 80% as effective as the full dose) The dose that they recommended may at bit too low to get the impact you need.
Finasteride is not important for getting FUE grafts to survive. Finasteride prevents shock loss of the miniaturized hairs on your head, which is common in men in their 20s who often have a great number of miniaturized hairs.
The photos show a lot of miniaturized hairs behind the hair transplant. I would expect to see hair loss behind the hair transplant unless you had been prescribed finasteride. Even with that, your hair transplant probably didn’t extend far enough back to cover the area of what appears to be advanced thinning. Hair loss here will not come back.
The crown isn’t a styling area, mostly just need the look of fullness over there. It’s common just to get that area micropigmentation. So why not just use some body hair to fill it in? I know there’s a reason why, otherwise it would be done more. But what is it?
Body hair donor sites have problems with them as follows: (1) they grow to a limited length, (2) they only grow about 6-8 months and then fall out, (3) their texture (bulk) is less than most scalp hair so that it takes many more to be equal to a scalp donor hair and (4) half of all of the transplanted hairs are in telogen (sleeping) half of the time which means that for every 10 hairs that are transplanted, only 5 are growing at any one time. In conclusion, it is not practical and very expensive. As for hair elsewhere in the body, beard as a donor source is good but not for the frontal area and only when you run out of good scalp donor hair. Neck hair is not permanent hair so it should never be used as a donor source.
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