So I’ve always had a large forehead and and deep/high temples with baby hairs (since being a kid). Usually I take pictures from the side to track my temples. This time I took one from above with my hair pulled back. Didn’t like how it looked like that. Again, my temples have always been deep combined with baby hairs. I also took photos from the front, top and side with my hair parted. And it looked like my usual hairline again. See mentioned photos. So how come it looks so different when parted? Also, here are photos from my childhood up until now if interested. My age is 28 (29 next month). Why does the topview with pulled hair to the back look so different compared to sidepart?
PS my little sis has the exact same hairline. Very deep temples and fine hair. Looks like a men’s mature hairline.
Are you a female or male? This pattern is often a female pattern with the corner areas thinner as the hairline is evolving. When you look at layered hair, the hair often looks fuller so that is what you are seeing. Many women, like my wife who had your presentation including a high hairline, received a hair transplant to thicken up these corners. If you are a male, please write back to me at