The class 6 or 7 pattern of balding is a real challenge for a hair transplant. You must assume that you will have a Class 7 pattern, even if it is not classically there now. The average Caucasian has a 3,600-graft FUE graft limit and 7400-graft strip limit. The average Asian (Japanese, Chinese. Korean, Indian and many people from the middle east) has 288-graft FUE limit and 6,080-graft strip limit without depleting the donor area (to the point that it becomes bald). If a person has fine hair, then these numbers will drop by up to 50%. The grafts have to be used wisely, so you and your doctor need to discuss realistic expectations for graft placement . This means that your doctor must be experienced, artistic, and a good communicator to get you what you want and need.
There is more than circumstantial evidence, as posted on, as to the efficacy of dermarolling. In their study, they used rollers with 1.5mm needles and essentially rolled over the entire balding area, going in many different directions. The rolling was completed once the skin was a pinkish color, with small droplets of blood visible. This was in addition to the use of topical minoxidil. The theory is either (1) the light wounding cause stem cells to create new hair follicles instead of skin (much like follica’s procedure), or (2) it allowed the Minoxidil to penetrate more deeply into the dermis. This was done twice per week, NOT everyday. As to the possible infection aspect, all I can say is…DUH!!! Basic antiseptic procedures MUST be followed when doing a procedure like this, especially if blood is produced. Spraying the dermaroller with a high concentration of alcohol (perhaps EverClear), washing the scalp, then using a high quality antiseptic solution on the scalp prior to the treatment is an absolute MUST. I would not be at all surprised to learn that those who do indeed acquire post-rolling infections are not adhering to basic pre-procedure antiseptic techniques. I have been derma-rolling for the past 3 years with NO adverse bacterial effect.
I have read this and agree with you. Thanks.
I’ve been taking a 5ar inhibitor for the past 8 years, both dutasterdie and finasteride. I am now short on the medication, and, as I move to California, I think that I will run out for a few weeks. Will that be ok? I’ve never missed a dose before.
The drug Finasteride stays in your body for up to a week in the hair follicles, while Dutasteride is certainly longer than that. I don’t understand, however, why you would not just take the pills with you and keep to a schedule. Be responsible about your hair loss.
I don’t get it!!! Doesn’t every strand of hair for men have a genetic life cycle that eventually runs out in some areas?? (Hairline, crown). How can a male have unlimited replenishment of hair?
Good question. In every one of us who is balding, the pattern of balding we inherit determines the extent of the permanent hair on the side and back of the head. Because we can’t predict the pattern we inherited with absolute certainty, I assume that only the fringe area in a Class 7 patient is the permanent area. This area has a finite amount of hair (about 20% of the total birth hair population on the scalp). You can have this 20% area (called the donor area) harvested over and over again until the area has lost 50-70% of its hair density. Then, the donor area is depleted and no more hair can be harvested without producing balding in this area around the back and side of your head. Each hair has both a hair cycle (Anagen and Telogen) and a limited number of hair cycles that it can have in your lifetime. For the balding Class 7 patterned patient (with only 20% of his hair remaining in a rim around the back and sides of the head), the hair that was lost underwent apoptosis (an effective cell death). These men often have fewer than 10 hair cycles (as few as 6-7) of their anagen/telogen cycle. We know that these hairs, which are absolutely gone to the naked eye, are actually in some stem cells located where each hair used to be. One day, some doctor/researcher will find the switch to turn on these hair stem cells to create new hair. I believe we may actually see this breakthrough in the next few years.
In September, I had a virus that closed my throat, or at least that’s what they thought happened. I was intubated for 22 days and was in the hospital for 30 days. I was prescribed blood pressure medications: Amlodipine (10 mg) and Losartan Potassium (50mg). I always had really thick curly hair, but about 3 weeks after I got home, I noticed a lot of hair on my pillow and in the shower. Now, I can’t even put my hair in a ponytail; what’s left of it is straight and stragglers. My doctor said that hair loss isn’t a side effect, but I have read hundreds of the same stories. She told me that any kind of trauma will cause temporary hair loss and she won’t change my meds. Instead, she wants me to go to a dermatologist. My insurance sucks and I don’t really have the money to pay for a specialist. Anyone know if this is true or of any BP meds that don’t cause this?
Between your protracted and traumatic illness and the various medications you were on, it is impossible to point to any single cause of your hair loss. Although Losartan is known to have rare hair loss side effects, I think that the long-term stress you went through is as much a cause of your hair loss than any single medication. By the end of a year, you might see improvement. Good luck.
Percocet causes your hair (and eyelashes) to break and fall out. I’m 56 and have always had TONS of hair. “Enough for three people,” my stylist always commented. I had been on Percocet for 4 years due to severe Hip Dysplasia and my hair was coming out in little chunks. My beautiful, long eyelashes kept breaking until it looked like I barely had any. I thought it was because I’m in my 50’s. I had a full hip replacement last year and am finally off the pain meds. I’ve been off them about a month and, to my astonishment, my hair is growing back as thick as it used to be and my eyelashes are long and beautiful again! Those rotten pills! I don’t know how I would have gotten along without them as I was in severe pain, but I’m glad I’m off them now. My hair is recovering, so the hair loss doesn’t seem to be permanent.
Give your hair time and eat healthily. It should recover. Good luck!
I have been on Finastride for over 5 years (1 mg/day), and during the past 2 years, I have been experiencing progressive thinning and hair loss on my stomach and chest. Although I am not confident this is related with a prolonged use of Finasteride, I will stop taking it for a while and see how it goes. Note that I am an excessively hairy guy.
Yes, Finasteride can cause reduced body and facial hair. However, if you stop taking Finasteride, you can develop what I call “catch-up hair loss” which means that all of the benefits will disappear in 3 months; if you go back on the drug, these benefits might not return.
My wife and I and our 6-year-old and 3-year-old are experiencing all the same symptoms. We have owned our house for 8 years and we lived in it for 5 years before we moved out of state for 2 years. We left it the home fully furnished with a neighbor checking in for us every month. We are back living in our house for about a year, and we all started losing our hair 1 week ago. We all noticed that we started losing hair within one week of each other! What is going on? I can’t believe that no one person who has had this problem has not come back to update us! Does this just mean there is no hope for answers and a positive outcome?
There is clearly something that is causing this common problem, such as Black Mold growing in the house or toxic chemicals in the ground or air.
Speak with your doctor and ask to have someone from the department of health to look into it for you. There has to be a cause for this.
It has been well-established that heavy drinking during pregnancy causes problems for the fetus, but, after studying 500 newborns at the University Hospital in Erlangen Germany, they found higher levels of a particular chemical, Ethyl Glucuronide, in women who had two alcoholic beverages per month. They followed these babies to the age of 6 and found that these babies have a lower IQ than normal babies by 4 points. This suggests that even less drinking can also cause the problem and would obviously be a major problem for children.
Taken from New Scientist 28 July Page 13
Finally, after much research, scientists have concluded that cell phones do not cause brain cancer.
New Scientist 18 July page 25
I would want to see a good clinical scientific paper with a double blind study showing the value of this new protein. I am skeptical!
The Korean Hope – Kang-Yell Choi – Giving a CXXC5 presentation in TEN DAYS! from tressless
A recent Futurism article discussed a new development that could yield the same benefits of gastric bypass surgery without the surgery part. A team of researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital believes that weight loss isn’t necessarily the key to curing Type 2 Diabetes. They’ve developed a compound they call LuCl (Luminal Coating of the Intestine) using an FDA-approved drug called sucralfate as a base. The compound temporarily coats the lining of the intestine and makes it unable to absorb nutrients.
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