My patient texted to me that he appeared in the courtroom before the judge who commented on his hair cut saying to him: “Nice Haircut”. He is a trial attorney. What is significant here is that the judge DID NOT say nice ‘Hair Transplant’
One man discussed his sperm quality by testing it every 30 days for 3 months after stopping finasteride. He wanted to know if sperm quality and quantity numbers got better with time when off finasteride.
I am guessing that sperm morphology and motility went down because of fluctuation. Still, total motile sperm count went up 71% from 64 days to 95 days. I did these tests because I was unsure about how long you have to stop to see healthy sperm quality again. I searched it up before, the common answer was: about 60 days. I would have liked to make another test after 120 days, but I am really paranoid about my hair and I plan on starting Finasteride again tomorrow. I am happy to see that I was able to achieve healthy sperm quality again after 3 months after discontinuation. I am guessing that sperm morphology and motility went down because of fluctuation. Still, total motile sperm count went up 71% from 64 days to 95 days. I did these tests because I was unsure about how long you have to stop to see healthy sperm quality again. I searched it up before, the common answer was: about 60 days. I would have liked to make another test after 120 days, but I am really paranoid about my hair and I plan on starting Finasteride again tomorrow. I am happy to see that I was able to achieve healthy sperm quality again after 3 months of discontinuation.
There are concerns that sperm quantity and quality doesn’t return in some men on finasteride. This is a risk but the exact nature of the risk has not been documented to my satisfaction. One of my best friend’s son had a significant impact on sperm count that didn’t recover after 6 months, but his wife got pregnant even with a very low sperm count with poor motility. Miracles happen.
So I’ve been diagnosed w MPB and I’ve been on rogaine, nutrafol, micro needling as the main course of regiment for a bit now. I’ve recently taken up working out and I know working out increases DHT (I think). And I also have heard that an increase in DHT is what causes hair loss. So my question is, will me working out make my hair fall more/ faster or am I good?
Exercise of any type does not cause hair loss nor does it accelerate it.
Many of my patients keep in touch with me. This man is taking finasteride to prevent any further hair loss and has been taking finasteride since his last of three transplants in 2001 with great success. This is the type of hair transplant results you want for the rest of your life. The little bit of gray, just makes him look more distinguished. He no longer thinks twice about his hair.
Doc, do you think reducing the dosage now to 2.5mg would have any negative affect on hair fall or regrowth? Pls suggest
I don’t know the answer to that question, but if you have side effects at the 2.5mg dose, then lowering it to 1.25mgs make sense
I read somewhere that finasteride can shrink and deform your penis. But i also read somewhere that this was only observed in mice and in extremely high dosage.
I don’t believe that finasteride deforms or shrinks the penis at recommended dosages
I noticed my hairline receding at the temples about 2 years ago. I started taking dutasteride injections in to my scalp 1 year ago along with minoxodil. My goal was to at least stabilize my hair loss before I get my hair done, although it didn’t get better, it actually got much worse. If I fix my hair by transplant, will I be needing another one after some time? Im guessing if hair loss didn’t stabilize then that is the case. I have no history of family baldness.
Please don’t get a hair transplant until you are at least 25. You will not know where your balding is heading at the sage of 21. A hair transplant in someone of your age, has a high likelihood of producing shock loss and significantly more hair loss than maybe you have now. Getting a hair transplant now may mean transplants every couple of years and a full depletion of your donor hair possibly before you complete your balding. The only one benefiting may be the surgeon who makes more money each time he/she does a hair transplant.
Finasteride stays in the hair follicles for over a week. Withdrawing it may cause reactive hair loss as early as 3 weeks after stopping finasteride.
Doc gave me a few injections today at hairline as I shed hair on Oral Minoxidil which I stopped because of sides. Doc said steroid should stimulate some regrowth but I think it’s used more often for other types of hair loss. Should be interesting to see!
Unless you have an autoimmune cause of hair loss, I wouldn’t expect any results from steroid injections into the hairline.
I have been using Fin for 4 years with pretty good results, added Min to regime but now wanting to stop after 16 months as I’m getting a hair transplant later this year.
Hair transplants certainly help with balding, but the medication is what stops hair loss progression of your native hair that is still left on your head. I have performed hair transplants on thousands of men and those who stayed on finasteride were likely to be finished with their balding, as this man shows well:
My biggest shed was at the 1 year mark to the month and it looked way worse than baseline. Like I aged 15 years.
Hair loss can not always to stopped with finasteride. Sometimes while taking finasteride, a man can go through hair loss acceleration. The genetics of Apoptosis is ingrained in each hair follicle and although finasteride does slow it down, it does not stop the hair loss in some men. You should speak with your doctor and if you don’t have a hair doctor, get one.