I have a question, I recently read one of your posts, and it said “In all patients, a scar will be seen if the head is shaved 100% of the time”. But is this really true, if the surgeon:
a. used a trichophytic closure
b. if there is no access tension
c. if the patient takes good care of the scar(ie-scar products..ect) and
d. if the patient has good healding capabilities.Wouldn’t all these things make the scar almost non-detectable especially if the scar is hidden with the tricho-closure? And if you buzzed your hair, but you had it camoflauge from the special closure, than mabey it wouldn’t show as much?
My comment still stands as written. You asked, Wouldn’t all these things make the scar almost non-detectable? Using a buzz cut would be fine and probably not detectable. I was talking about shaving the head completely, which will always show at the least a fine line. The trichophytic closure puts hair into about 2 mm of wound, assuming that it stretched 2mm, but even with hair in the wound, the skin that stretches 2mm will show with shaving the head. I have some patients with buzz cuts, one who comes to my Los Angeles open house events regularly to show that yes, you can get a buzz cut. Our next Los Angeles open house is this coming Saturday, October 7th from noon to 2pm. If you’d like to RSVP for the free event, please call 800-NEW-HAIR.