Why don’t you offer double follicular unit grafts (DFU)?
Double follicular units (DFUs) are 3-4 haired grafts that have a slight gap containing skin between the hair follicular units (the natural growing anatomical units). Some people claim that if they use them, they can get more density per square cm and that the advantage is that more density can be created with fewer incisions… which means less grafts/cost to the patient.
DFUs are essentially the old type of minigrafts and the problem with them is not only a slightly pluggy look (for those people with dark hair and white skin), but also that there is skin transplanted with the follicles. This skin becomes depigmented and forms a whitish plaque on the scalp on close inspection, particularly noticed if you have a tan or olive skin. So while it is true that this can provide more density at less financial cost, the price is in a lesser quality transplant. The older large plugs had the highest densities, so if one takes the logic that DFUs are less expensive than follicular units and are the way to go, you can also look like you have doll’s hair for about a tenth of the cost of a fdu. You get what you pay for; do not lose sight of the fact that this is a surgical procedure on your head.
So to answer your question about why we don’t offer DFU, to be blunt, it’s because we don’t offer grafts that can be detected as a hair transplant, even on close inspection. The question should be, would I do it if someone specifically asked me to do it, to which my answer would be that I would consider it if there was complete informed consent present at the time the decision was made.