Hi, i am almost 20 years old and have seen a few derms regarding my hair loss, it looks like a have DPA, strong hair on frontal tuft, sides and back, my thinning hair is blonde and on the remaining areas of my scalp. i am on propecia, but would like to know your opinion on what surgical advice you could give me. I know its best to wait as long as possible but when would be the appropiate time to schedule a surgery? also, do you recommend FUE for patients with DPA?
thanks so much
I would need to examine you myself and perform a miniaturization study to determine what you actual diagnosis is. I can not offer you surgical advice without understanding the diagnosis, where your hair loss is at the moment, and more about your overall history (including family history). In other words, each patient is different, so I really can’t give you a clear cut time without an exam.
As you indicated that you’re in Southern California, I invite you to call 800-NEW-HAIR to setup a free consultation in my Los Angeles office.
For those curious about DPA, I’ve written about it before:
Diffuse Patterned Alopecia (DPA) is an androgenetic alopecia characterized by diffuse thinning in the front, top, and vertex of the scalp in conjunction with a stable permanent zone. Diffuse Patterned Alopecia is usually associated with the persistence of the frontal hairline represented by the hairline position of the Norwood Class II or Class III patient.